Cream Antares Travertine Baseboards

7,1534,57 /m

Cream Antares Travertine is ideal for the installation of interior and exterior flooring, cladding or façades. Travertine is a very porous material that allows the treatment of fillings in its surface openings. For this reason, we offer it in three different finishes, with open pore, putty and with transparent resin. Choose the measurements and the treatment to quote the price of the linear meters you need.

Product Price


Cream Antares Travertine is one of the most recognized materials nation wide. From the province of Almería, this travertine presents us with a cream background of various shades with golden veins. This material is manufactured directly by our company Mármoles Andrés Marín, S.L.


Travertines are the true classics of nature, as they are perhaps the building materials that have been used the most throughout history. With their light beige color, these travertines are mainly used for indoor and outdoor wall and floor coverings. Within this category of travertines, we can find materials with soft and delicate colors such as cream and amber travertine; or with more character and intense such as Roman, Spanish and cream antares travertine. Whatever it is, they all display a beauty that’s hard to beat.

On the other hand, we cannot forget other colors such as red, yellow or olive travertine. Exotic materials capable of dazzling in any environment.


In rough: It is called in rough, or cut, when no type of treatment performed on the surface of the Natural Stone by which its original appearance or texture changes.

Polished: It is the finish par excellence that achieves a completely smooth surface of Natural Stone and an inimitable mirror effect that reflects the light, enhancing the beauty of the material.

Honed: Thanks to this soft and even texture finish, the surface acquires a matte shine that gives Natural Stone greater character and better reflection of light.

Sandblasting: With this finish we get a rough appearance. We can use it in interior and exterior cladding, as well as in exterior flooring and it is non-slip.

Aged: This finish transmits the passage of time, achieving a shiny surface with an irregular texture that enhances the aesthetics of Natural Stone in its tones and veins.


Open pore: It consists of leaving the porosities of the surface of the travertine natural, without any type of filling.

Putty: This treatment consists of filling the pores of the surface with putty of the same color tone as the material. In this way we achieve greater impermeability against liquid leaks.

Resin: It is a treatment similar to puttying, by means of which we fill the pores of the surface with transparent resin. Thus, we give the material greater impermeability and light transparency in the porosities.

Additional information


Open pore, Putty


30X7X1, 30X7X2, 40X10X2, 40X15X2, 40X7X2, 60X10X2, 60X15X2, 60X18X2, 60X7X2


In rough, Polished

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